Our vision

We believe that every child has their own set of strengths,
whether it be endurance, flexibility, coordination,
speed or balance. Identifying these natural talents
at a young age can provide a child with the motivation,
confidence and direction to pursue a healthy and 
active lifestyle for many years to come.


We came up with the SportAnalytik Assessment™ programme to spark the passion for sport in every child. Our methodology was developed in close partnership with leading sports scientists at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University in Prague.

Testing child's motoric skills, somatotype and tactical skills by 9 tests

1. Standing Jump

Action: Stand up, bend your knees and jump forward as far as possible. 
Skill: Body and leg kicking power.

2. One-leg stand

Action: Hands on hips, foot on knee, eyes closed, hold position as long as possible.
Skill: Balance in a certain position for a certain amount of time.

3. Basketball throw

Action: Sit down, lean your back and shoulders against the wall and throw the basketball as far as possible.
Skill: Muscular strength in arms, shoulders and chest.

4. 500 metre run

Action: Run a distance of 500 meters without stopping for time.
Skill: Aerobic and cardiovascular endurance.

5. 30 metre sprint

Action: From the starting position, perform a speed run at a distance of 30 meters.
Skill: Developing speed over a certain distance.

6. Sit and reach

Action: In a sitting position with straight legs, stretch your arms forward as far as possible.
Skill: Back and leg muscle flexibility.

7. Stick movement

Action: Holding the stick behind the back, step over, learn, pull the legs back and stand up.
Skill: Body coordination during movement.

8. Stick movement

Action: Standing, without shoes, straight back against the wall, using a tape measure or a ruler, measure.

9. Flag game
Tactical skills

Action: Take away as many flags as possible from your opponent while protecting your own.
Skill: Assessing the situation and making decisions.

+372 5805 7674

[email protected]

Legal address: Õismäe tee 130, Tallinn Harjumaa 13513
Registration number: 80647618